Jow Ga Kungfu

Fundamentals of jow ga Kung fu

Experience the power of Jow Ga Kung Fu, blending internal & external training for a balanced approach. Discover body hardening techniques, self-defense mastery, and the artistry of kata & weapon training. Elevate mind, body, and spirit in this ancient martial art. Join Wudokan kung-fu today in downtown Montreal!

Chen Style Tai Chi Practiced in front of Weapons Rack
Internal & External Training

Internal training cultivates mind-body harmony, while external training hones physical prowess (balance, strength, flexibility and speed). It also trains the mind to be calm and ready.

Traditional Pail of Dried Beans for Hardening Conditioning
Body Hardening Techniques

Body hardening training is crucial for martial artists as it toughens the body, allowing them to withstand strikes and impacts. Techniques like makiwara, shin conditioning, and iron shirt training build resilience, empowering effective self-defense and combat skills.

Knife Defense Technique Demonstrated by Wudokan Instructors
Self-Defense Focus

Jow Ga Kung Fu is an effective self-defense art due to its Tiger-Panther style, versatile techniques, and emphasis on practical applications. Master real-life defense with Jow Ga.

Spear Kata Belt Exam Performance at Wudokan
Kata & Weapon Training

Kata and weapons training are vital in Jow Ga Kung Fu, honing technique, timing, and spatial awareness. Twin sets enhance combat skills and promote mastery. Numerous weapons are used such as Kwan Do, spear, double choppers or tiger fork.
Embrace the essence of martial arts through traditional forms and weapons training.

The History of Wudokan

The Jow Ga Five Tigers - Legendary Brothers of the Zhou Family
A historic portrait of the Jow Ga Five Tigers, the brothers of the Zhou family, founders of Jow Ga Kung Fu

Jow Ga Kung Fu originated in southern China in the early 20th century by Grandmaster Jow Lung. Combining elements from different styles, it emphasizes practical self-defense techniques and a holistic approach to training. Today, Jow Ga thrives globally, preserving its rich history and traditional values.